CNC Milling Material Library

A non-exhaustive list of materials you can mill on a CNC machine and how to do it.

We propose some tips and help on how to mill each of the materials, and illustrate it with sample milling videos.

It is a good starting point if you want to mill something you've never tried before, or if you want to see what our machines are capable of.

You can also find here a link to a feed and speed calculator for the most classic materials, and safe values adapted to each of our machines.


IMPORTANT NOTE: this is made to help you find parameters for your milling, but you should always think by yourself and enter cutting parameters that are matching your own setup.
Calculating the theorical values in this table is easy, but many parameters in your setup may make them unfit for your case. Always start with low engagement and speed, and test deeper/quicker parameters progressively.